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Our Mission

TRAC Enrichment Center, Inc. mission it to provide academic, social and
emotional enrichment in a nurturing environment that fosters, facilitates and
assists students in becoming life-long learners, in order that they may
become positive members of the community in which they live, work and play.
Keys to Success
TRAC Enrichment Center stood at a great moment in its history. TRAC has
been able to offer excellent and quality wholistic academic services with
high expectations to a differentiated population of special needs and at-risk
students with outstanding parent support.
Twenty-three years ago the company became non-profit when the owner realized
that there was a great need to assist low economic families with at-risk
children that were not being served due to cost. Within the first year of the
company’s non-profit history the owner recognized the need to assist
families that did not qualify for grant services but had children with special
needs such as visual impairments and autism. The company began to seek
grants to address the needs of at-risk disadvantaged youth and youth with
special needs. No other tutorial company was providing what the customers
truly demanded, high quality academic support for at-risk and special needs
students with transportation provided after school and parent pick-up after
work at 6:00 and 6:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday each week.
The company has now expanded and through the keys to success over the
years as follows:
- Aggressively executing contracts and grant opportunities with
organizations and foundations that support TRAC’s mission.
- Aggressively recruiting community support volunteers from organizations
such as East Carolina University, Pitt Community College, and Martin
Community College teaching fellows and student teachers to support
academic programs and other Local Educational Agencies.
- Aggressively receiving community support from organizations such as
the Health Department, Police Department, Juvenile Justice
Department for Team Building, Baby Think It Over, Health Fair and
other community based programs.
- Recruiting  private tutoring customers.
- Actively contracting training for private afterschool tutorial programs for program implementation.
- Actively acting as External Evaluator for state funded programs offering support in program compliance, student testing,  staff training, lesson planning, etc.