Hello! I would like to appreciate Mr. Holmes and Mrs. Boston and the whole TRAC STAFF
TEAM. Everyone at TRAC have put in hard and dedication work. Ever since the first day
Justin started, he enjoyed every part of it. He talked about what he did that day and he let
me know that he had help doing his homework.
C. Moore
Good morning, TRAC has been an awesome program for my grandson Yashmere. His
reading & math levels have increased. Yashmere’s grades weren’t registering on his report
card & now they are. This program definitely was a confidence building experience for him.
So proud of all his hard work and the work of TRAC.
S. Watson
We have been seeing such a difference in our child’s school performance this year and are
thankful for the program. We really enjoy the activities on Saturdays and have been
learning more of what we can practice at home too.
A. Lowe